How to Register Total Uninstaller
If you've installed the latest version of Total Uninstaller on your computer but don't know how to register it, then we're always here to help you figure it out. To register for Total Uninstaller, you can refer to the simple steps as followed.
Step 1: Launch Total Uninstaller.
Step 2: Click the Key icon at the top-right corner of the Step 1.
Step 3: Copy and paste the license code into the License Key box and then you need to click on the Activate Now button.
If you've successfully registered Total Uninstaller, you will get a message saying "Congratulations, your registration is successful." After that, you can go back to Step 1 and start uninstalling all unwanted programs without any hassle.
Note: License code is the license key that you've received in your registered email address after purchasing Total Uninstaller. If you can't find the license code, you can sign in the member area from our official website and check it out.
Also, if you haven't bought the full version of Total Uninstaller, you can click the Buy Now button to choose a pricing plan that is suitable for you.