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How to Uninstall Total Uninstaller from Windows?

I guess let's start by answering the common question that you need to figure out. How to uninstall Total Uninstaller manually when you want to uninstall and reinstall it? We have a step-by-step manual guide for all of you here.

This guide is for those looking to uninstall Total Uninstaller temporarily. You will get the ins and outs of uninstalling this Total Uninstaller app from your Windows based PCs. Once you have completed this guide, you have gained the tricks necessary to begin uninstalling Total Uninstaller on your own. Deleting leftovers is included, allowing you to completely get rid of all components of Total Uninstaller from your Windows.

Till now, you have successfully uninstalled Total Uninstaller from your Windows. When you want to get it back to your computer, simply click the download button.

Uninstall via the Windows Start menu (Windows 10)

Step 1: Exit Total Uninstaller. Right-click the Windows Start button and select Apps and Features from the menu that appears.

Step 2: From Apps & features window, click Total Uninstaller, and select Uninstall.

Step 3: If it prompts User Account Control, click Yes to make sure you want to allow this app to make changes to your device.

Step 4: When Total Uninstaller Setup appears, click Uninstall to confirm that you would like to uninstall this app right now.

Step 5: Wait while setup uninstalls Total Uninstaller from your computer.

Step 6: Once done, go to the Start button and Restart your computer immediately.

Uninstall via the Control Panel (Windows 7 & Windows 8)

Step 1: Exit Total Uninstaller.

Step 2: Click the Windows Start button and select Control Panel.

Step 3: Under Programs, click Uninstall a program. Or click Programs and Features if you are using the large/small icons view.

...If you are on Windows 8, press the Win key and X key simultaneously, then select Programs and Features from the menu that appears.

Step 4: From Uninstall or change a program window, right-click Total Uninstaller, then select Uninstall from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: From the pop-up User Account Control box, click Yes to allow this program to make changes to your computer.

Step 6: When Total Uninstaller Setup appears, click Uninstall to continue uninstalling the Total Uninstaller from your computer.

Step 7: Wait while setup uninstalls Total Uninstaller from your PC.

Step 8: Restart your computer.

Total Uninstaller is now uninstalled from your PC. If you need to reinstall Total Uninstaller app, click here to download.

The best-in-class uninstaller & thorough leftover cleaner in one affordable price

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  • Custom fixes for your specific problems