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Total Uninstaller

How can Uninstall Epson Event Manager from Windows System

Epson Event Manager is a driver support tool that provides Active Optimization sources driver updates directly from EPSON. If it is now useless on your PC, you can follow the guides below to uninstall Epson Event Manager from the computer.

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Program information

Uninstall Epson Event Manager

Default installation folder: C:\Program Files\Epson Software\Event Manager
Upon installation, this program will add several registry keys and entries to the system, which allow the program to start automatically on the computer. And several related processes and programs are also added as firewall exceptions.

General removing issues when uninstall the program

  • Annoying message which states that Epson Event Manager cannot be removed usually appears when try to uninstall it on the PC
  • Cannot find the software to be available in Programs list of Apps and Features
  • Some files and records cannot be cleaned out with the program
  • Error notification always appear and stop the removing process

How can uninstall Epson Event Manager smoothly

1. Manual way to remove it via Windows system

  • Right-click on the Windows(/Start) button, and select All apps
  • Scroll down and find Epson Event Manager
  • Right-click on Event Manager, and select Uninstall on the sub-menu. After that, you will access to the Programs and Features in Windows system


  • If you cannot find the program on the list, you can right-click on Windows button directly, and then select Programs and Features


  • Choose Epson Event Manager on the list of installed application, and click Uninstall on the top menu


  • Click Yes on the new message to make sure you want to uninstall Epson Event Manager, and then perform the following removal steps with the uninstall wizard


  • When finish, reboot the computer. And then see whether all of files contained in the associated folder have been removed, please manually remove them when some related files/data still can be found
  • Next, type Search on the start menu, and enter "regedit" to open Registry Editor in the system
  • Expend those registry groups inside, and those registry entries belonging to the Epson Event Manager

If Epson Event Manager cannot be found in both Apps list or Program and Features, you will have tool take another way to remove this program from the computer. Or you can also try to reinstall it and see if it is available on the list of programs.

Download Professional PC Uninstaller

2. Automatic way to uninstall Epson Event Manager with effective tool

Professional uninstall utility is a good alternative to handle the apps removal on Windows, and it is more popular in nowadays as it can totally remove a program on the PC with ease. So, to get rid of Epson Event Manager, you can take Total Uninstaller to help you scan out all associated files on the computer, and then perform a quick and complete removal for these components within a short time.

  • Launch Total Uninstaller on the computer, and locate Epson Event Manager's icon on the menu
  • Click on "Run Analysis", and then click on Complete Uninstall to start the removal

uninstall Epson Event Manager


  • Finish the first stage removal with instructions, and then click on Scan Leftovers


  • Click on Delete Leftovers to clean all of vestiges on your computer


  • Exit the uninstaller, and restart the computer to completely uninstall Epson Event Manager on your PC.

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