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Total Uninstaller

How can I Uninstall MP4 Downloader Quickly from PC


Unable to uninstall MP4 Downloader effectively from the computer? Effective guides here can help you get to know how can totally remove this program from your PC.

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Program description

MP4 Downloader is a download manager published by Tomabo (, the newest version is 3.21.0. Once installed, it will adds different types of files and data on the computer, including extension to the user's Internet Explorer web browser, scheduled task and auto-start registry keys, which occupies more than 40 MB on the computer system's space.

General reasons for people deciding to uninstall the program:

  • MP4 Downloader gets an error and stops running on the computer
  • MP4 Downloader is not an expected application for the user
  • Program should be uninstalled first and reinstall on the PC
  • Windows system or other program is not compatible with the MP4 Downloader

Common issues of removing MP4 Downloader

  • Associated items and traces of the program cannot be cleaned well
  • MP4 Downloader cannot be found on the programs list on the Windows uninstaller
  • It takes a long time to perform the program removal and always cannot be finished
  • Removing process often encounters an error and cause an unsuccessful removal for the application

How can uninstall MP4 Downloader smoothly in a good way

Manual instructions: remove MP4 Downloader with Windows uninstaller

Windows uninstaller is available on every Windows based computer, which allows people to remove unwanted program manually on the PC.

  • Right-click on the MP4 Downloader which is still running on the PC, and click on Stop or Exit button
    (Windows 8. 8.1, 10 user)Right-click on the Windows icon at the bottom left corner, and select Programs and Features
    (Windows 7 user) Click to open the Start menu, select Control Panel, and then click Uninstall a program on the window

W8 - programs and features

  • Choose MP4 Downloader on the list of installed applications, and then click on the Uninstall

remove MP4 Downloader manually

  • When the uninstall prompt appears, click Yes to be sure you want to completely remove MP4 Downloader


  • Click OK when it has successfully remove the program for you, and restart the computer


  • After coming back to the computer system again, type "regedit" on the search box
  • Click to open "regedit" or "Registry Editor" from the result


  • Expand the registry group and check them one by one, and then delete the those registry keys belonging to MP4 Downloader
  • If you are worry about delete the wrong one, you can export the registry key you are going to delete for backup

Download Professional PC Uninstaller

Alternatively, take its uninstaller to remove it

There is a specific uninstall process available in MP4 Downloader's installation folder, which can be used to remove the program itself from the PC

  • Right click on the MP4 Downloader's shortcut on the desktop, click Open file location


  • Scroll down and double click on unins000


  • Click Yes to be sure you want to completely remove MP4 Downloader
  • Click OK when the removal completed
  • Restart your computer system, and then you also need to delete the associated registry keys in the Registry Editor as the method 1

More recommended: uninstall with Total Uninstaller

If you don't want to take too much time to remove the program manually, Total Uninstaller can offer a faster app removal for you to get rid of MP4 Downloader completely.

  • Launch the Total Uninstaller on the computer
  • Select MP4 Downloader on the menu of installed programs, and click on Run Analysis

uninstall MP4 Downloader with TU

  • After a while, associated files and components will then be detected and listed on the menu, and please click on the Complete Uninstall button


  • Click Yes for confirmation, and click on Uninstaller on the wizard
  • Click on OK then the uninstallation complete
  • Click on Scan Leftovers button, and delete all of detected files on the list



  • Click on OK to complete the whole removal, and then you can exit the uninstaller and restart the your computer


Still not clear about the removing steps? You also can check the video here to learn more details about how to uninstall MP4 Downloader with Total Uninstaller:

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