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Instrcutions to uninstall YTD Downloader from PC

uninstall YTD Downloader

How much do you know about application uninstall on Windows 10? Can you successfully and completely uninstall YTD Downloader on your computer running with Windows 10? If not, read the sequential instructions here and you can easily remove YTD Downloader and any other unwanted application on your computer.

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YTD Downloader is regarded as a potential unwanted application, which will change the existing internet browse settings and cause many troubles for internet users. Hereby, we will show you how to uninstall YTD Downloader completely on Windows 10 in different ways. You can choose the convenient automatic way or the typical way to uninstall YTD Downloader from your computer.

How a newbie computer user do to uninstall YTD Downloader
Newbie Windows 10 users, especially those who know nothing about computer may try to uninstall YTD Downloader in their own ways, that is, to delete the application icon from the desktop by right-clicking the icon of YTD Downloader, and then choosing Delete.

Deleting the icon doesn't uninstall YTD Downloader completely; even doesn't make any changes to YTD Downloader if what you deleted is the shortcut icon, but just the main executable file itself. To completely uninstall, you can try the following ways.

Thoroughly uninstall YTD Downloader with a smart tool
Uninstalling YTD Downloader with a smart tool can save much of your disk space for the professional tool will help you scan out and delete all the leftovers of the App on your machine. Download your own tool and begins to remove YTD Downloader without leaving any trace now.


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  • Step 1: Run the uninstaller, click on YTD Downloader and then click the Run Analysis button.


  • Step 2: Click Complete Uninstall and then click YES on the pop-up window

YTD Downloader uninstall 2

  • Step 3: Click Scan Leftover to search the remaining such as files, folders and registries

scan leftovers

  • Step 4: Click Delete Leftovers to finish your task to uninstall YTD Downloader completely.

delete leftovers

With the help of a third-part uninstaller, you can easily and completely uninstall YTD Downloader form your computer. As you can see, there are many associated files, or the leftovers scanned out by the uninstaller. If you cannot clean up those files, you will face a sluggish performance of your computer and some other problems.

Manually uninstall YTD Downloader from the computer

Windows 7 user: Click on "Start" button in the bottom left corner (or simply hit the Windows key on your keyboard), move your mouse cursor to the "Control Panel" item and then click on it > select "Uninstall a program"/ "Add/remove programs" under the Programs column. (If you're a user of Windows XP, you can click on Add or Remove Programs.)

Windows 8 user: Hover your mouse cursor to the lower right corner until you see the charms bar pops up from the right side > enter "control panel" in the search box, and hit down "Enter" key on your keyboard > Select "Uninstall a program"/ "Add/remove programs" under the Programs section.

Windows10 users can easily found that there are no the old-school Control Panel and Features that exist in the previous versions of Windows. Although there is no Control Panel on Windows 10, the new operating system still provide the uninstall function. Different from the old versions, Windows 10 users can uninstall YTD Downloader manually from the computer starting from the Start Menu.

  • Single click on the Start Menu button on the screen of your computer

manual uninstall YTD 1

  • Select Settings on the pop-up pane

manual 2

  • Click the System on the Setting menu

manual 3

  • Choose Apps &Features on the left pane. The list of applications will be shown on the right pane in the window.

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  • Scroll down the list to find YTD Downloader, highlight YTD Downloader with a single click. If there are too many applications installed on your computer, you can also sort the applications by name instead of by size. Or just type YTD Downloader in the search box to locate the App quickly.
  • Click the Uninstall button and then click Uninstall on the pop-up window again to authorize your performance.

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In case that there are something left after you uninstall YTD Downloader, you need to located and delete its associated files manually.

Uninstall YTD Downloader with the built-uninstaller
YTD Downloader carries a built-in uninstaller when you are installing it. So you can also uninstall YTD Downloader via the uninstaller.

  • Quit the process of YTD Downloader
  • Navigate to the folder store the components of YTD Downloader, for example C:\program files(x86)\Green Tree Applications\YTD Video Downloader
  • Open YTD Video Downloader folder
  • Launch the uninstaller by double-clicks on it, or right click your mouse, and select Open
  • Click on Next
  • Click Uninstall>Finish

Here are all together three available ways to uninstall YTD Downloader on computer. Although it seems simple to perform a manual uninstall, there can be remnants lingering on your machine, which will slow down your computer or block you installing the incompatible programs.

Besides, some built-in uninstallers can only help you remove the main executable files of the unwanted applications, instead of cleaning up all the associated files at once. Compared with the typical uninstall way, it is strongly recommended for you to resort to a professional uninstaller, which will automatically scan out all the remnants of YTD Downloader or any unwanted applications on your computer.

If you know little about computer and how to uninstall YTD Downloader, this piece of work may be helpful and be your guide to thoroughly uninstall YTD Downloader and any other unwanted application on your machine. Get your own tool and experience a fast removal on your computer now.

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The best-in-class uninstaller & thorough leftover cleaner in one affordable price

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