👋 Total Uninstaller 2024 is now available for every lifetime user to upgrade. Learn more →

Total Uninstaller

Total Uninstaller 2025 Released

Total Uninstaller 2025

Total Uninstaller 2025 has just been released! All of you requested features have been completed. Use the new Shortcut Cleaner remove all the invalid shortcuts on your desktop, Folder Cleaner to delete empty folders, and Total Cleanup to clean up items of standalone apps in one click.

Dear Total Uninstaller community,

We're pleased to announce the release of Total Uninstaller 2025, the best-in-class Windows uninstaller of more than 10 years continiously polishing and adding new features that have consolidated it as a better solution to enable you conviniently view app info, quickly find the app and completely get rid of any Windows app with ease, all apps managed in one place.

All users with lifetime licenses are able to upgrade to this new version for free. Please download and upgrade to Total Uninstaller 2025 if needed, from this page: https://totaluninstaller.com/download.html and then use the license key to activate it. Please contact our support if you need any help.

In this new version, we've improved the app removal workflow and added new handy tools to empower you to perform the app removal job, and Total Uninstaller 2025 has been optimized to consume very few PC resources and run on nearly all PCs of various specifications.

The newly-added tools are built in good shapes and very helpful for you to thoroughly remove the apps by cleaning up leftovers. You can use Shortcut Cleaner to find and delete all the invalid shortcuts on your desktop, Folder Cleaner to scan your drives for empty folders, and remove them if needed, and Total Cleanup to scan and delete all items of portable or standalone apps in one click. With extensive testing and updated improvenments, Total Uninstaller 2025 is capable to completely get rid of the latest releases or updates like Autodesk 2025 apps and Adobe 2025 apps.

In the next upgrade, we'll supercharge Total Uninstaller by introducing the most requested dark theme, AI-first removal capability and other handy tools that have been requested by our community. Feel free to contact us if you have something in mind and we'll get back to you if the new feature will be added in the next upgrade.

The best-in-class uninstaller & thorough leftover cleaner in one affordable price

  • Lifetime license
  • Free technical support
  • Free updates & free newer versions
  • Custom fixes for your specific problems